
Special Collections and Archives
Collection of United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Records on California Wineries.  D-140.Special Collections, University of California, Davis.

Napa County Assessor’s Records. Napa County Assessor’s Office, Napa, California.

Napa County Deeds. Napa County Recorder’s Office, Napa, California.

Robert G. Mondavi Papers. D-533. Special Collections, University of California, Davis.

Trade Literature Collection. O-012. Special Collections, University of California, Davis.

United States Bureau of Plant Industry Horticultural and Pomological Investigation Records. National 
           Agricultural Library. United States Department of Agriculture.

William Heintz Research Collection. Napa Valley Wine Library, St. Helena, California.
Newspapers and Articles
Breeder and Sportsman
California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences
Daily Alta California
Los Angeles Herald
Napa County Reporter
Napa Daily Journal
Napa Register
Napa Valley Register
Oakland Tribune
Overland Monthly
Pacific Rural Press
Pacific Wine & Spirit Review
Petaluma Weekly Argus
Sacramento Daily Union
San Francisco Call
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco Merchant
St. Helena Star
Sunday Herald (Washington, D.C.)
The Record-Union (Sacramento, CA)
The Weekly Calistogan
Wines and Vines

Published Sources
Detert, Gunther R. “H.W. Crabb, 1828-1899.” In History of Napa Valley: Interviews and Reminiscences of Long-time  Residents, Volume III, 1977-1981, Napa Valley Wine Library Association. St. Helena, CA: Napa Valley Wine Library Association, 1981.

Dillon, Richard H. Napa Valley Heyday. San Francisco: The Book Club of California, 2004.

Dunlap, Boutwell. “The Family of George C. Yount.” California Historical Quarterly 2, no. 1 (April 1923): 67-68.

Heintz, William F. California’s Napa Valley: One Hundred Sixty Years of Wine Making. San Francisco: Scottwall Associates, 1999.

______. Wine Country: A History of Napa Valley, The Early Years: 1838-1920. Santa Barbara, CA: Capra Press, 1990.

Husmann, George C. “Viticulture of Napa County.” In History of Solano and Napa Counties, ed. Tom Gregory, 147-149. Los Angeles: Historic Record Company, 1912.

Illustrations of Napa County, California. Oakland, CA: Smith & Elliot, 1878. Reprint, Fresno, California: Valley Publishers, 1974.

Menefee, C.A. Historical and Descriptive Sketchbook of Napa, Sonoma, Lake and Mendocino. Napa, CA: Reporter Publishing House, 1873.

Moulin, Gabriel. Photographs of Grapevine Varieties. San Francisco: self-published, 1913. On file at the University of California, Davis Special Collections.

Palmer, Lyman. History of Napa and Lake Counties, California. San Francisco: Slocum, Bowen & Co., 1881.

Peninou, Ernest P. A History of the Napa Viticultural District, Comprising the Counties of Napa, Solano, and Contra Costa with Grape Acreage Statistics and Directories of Grape Growers. Santa Rosa, CA: Nomis Press, 2004.

Peninou, Ernest, and Sidney Greenleaf. A Directory of California Wine Growers and Wine Makers in 1860. Berkeley, CA: Tamalpais Press, 1967.

Pinney, Thomas. A History of Wine in America from the Beginnings to Prohibition. Vol. 1. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007.

Sullivan, Charles L. A Companion to California Wines. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998.

_____. Napa Wine, A History. San Francisco: Wine Appreciation Guild, 1994.

Thach, Liz. Call of the Vine: Exploring Ten Famous Vineyards of Napa and Sonoma. Putnam Valley, NY: Miranda Press, 2014.

Wait, Frona Eunice. Wines & Vines of California or a Treatise on the Ethics of Wine Drinking. San Francisco: The Bancroft Company, 1889.

Wallace, W.F., and Tillie Kanaga. History of Napa County. Oakland: Enquirer Print, 1901.

Weber, Lin. Old Napa Valley: The History to 1900. St. Helena, CA: Wine Ventures Publishing, 1998.

_____. Roots of the Present: Napa Valley, 1900 to 1950. St. Helena, CA: Wine Ventures Publishing, 2001.

A Memorial and Biographical History of Northern California. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1891.

Crabb, H.W. “Viticulture in Napa County, California.” In American Grape Growing and Wine Making, with Contributions from Weil-Known Grape Growers, ed. George Husmann, 169-173. New York: Orange Judd Company, 1880.

Grossinger, Robin. Napa Valley Historical Ecology Atlas: Exploring a Hidden Landscape of Transformation and Resilience. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2012.
Unpublished Sources
Corey, D. Steven. “Hamilton Walker Crabb.” Unpublished paper dated September 10, 1973. In “The Vineyards and Wine of H.W. Crabb, Oakville, Ca. and His To-Kalon Label,” William F. Heintz. Unpublished manuscript, 1980.

Heintz, William F. “Harold Gilliland “Gil” Nickel: an Interview.” The William F. Heintz Collection. St. Helena, CA: Napa Valley Wine Library Association, 1983.

_____. “The Far Niente Winery, Oakville, California and its Founder John Benson.” The William F. Heintz Collection. St. Helena, CA: Napa Valley Wine Library Association, 1978.

_____. “The Vineyards and Wine of H.W. Crabb, Oakville, Ca. and His To-Kalon Label.” The William F. Heintz Collection. St. Helena, CA: Napa Valley Wine Library Association, 1980.

Ketteringham, William James. “The Settlement Geography of the Napa Valley.” Master of Arts Thesis, Stanford University, 1961.

W.A. Mackinder Co. “Executors’ Sale Catalog of Sixteen Head Standard Bred Horses, Fast Trotters and Pacers, Brood Mares, Fillies and Gentlemen’s Roadsters, the Property of H.W. Crabb’s To-kalon Stock Farm,” 1899. On file at the University of California, Davis Special Collections, Collection Number O-012, Box 112, Folder 5.
Government Records
Baldridge, William. Will dated September 10, 1902. Probate Estate Case Files, 1864-1920, California Superior Court (Napa County). Accessed via

Board of the State Viticultural Commissioners (California). Annual Report of the Board of State Viticultural Commissioners for 1887. Sacramento: Board of the State Viticultural Commissioners, 1888.

_____. Directory of Grape Growers and Wine Makers of California Sacramento: Board of the State Viticultural Commissioners, 1888.

_____. The Vineyards in Napa County. Sacramento: Board of the State Viticultural Commissioners, 1893.

_____. Report of the Board of the State Viticultural Commissioners for 1893-94. Sacramento: Board of the State Viticultural Commissioners, 1894.

California Great Registers, 1866-1898, Collection Number 4 - 2A, California State Library Roll Number 29, FHL Roll Number: 977081. Accessed via

California State Agricultural Society. “Speed Programme, Monday, September 2, 1895.” Transactions of the California State Agricultural Society During the Year 1895. Sacramento: California State Agricultural Society, 1896.

Crabb, Hamilton W. Will and probate records, 1899. Napa County, California, Probate Records, 1851-1935, California Superior Court (Napa County). Accessed via

Napa County Book of Deeds. On file at the Napa County Recorder’s Office, Napa, California.

Napa County Book of Patents. On file at the Napa County Recorder’s Office, Napa, California.

United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Records on California Wineries, To-Kalon Vineyard Company, Oakville, California, 1920-1941. On file at University of California, Davis, Special Collections, Collection Number D-140, Box 72.

United States Federal Census Records, 1860, 1870, 1880. Accessed via
Buckman, O.H. Official Map of the County of Napa, California. San Francisco: Punnett Brothers, 1895.

_____. Official Map of the County of Napa, California. San Francisco: W.B. Walkup & Co., 1915.

King, M.G., and T.W. Morgan. Map of the Central Portion of Napa Valley and the Town of St. Helena. St. Helena, CA: E.W. Woodward & Co., 1881.

Lyman, George G., and S.R. Throckmorton. Official Map of the County of Napa, California. Napa, CA: David L. Haas, 1876.
Vintner, Jeremy Nickel's "History of To-Kalon"